A user-centric multi-criteria evaluation of mobility services for people with disabilities in a real territorial context
Axel Le Dreau, Jaafar Berrada  1@  , Rémy Le Boennec@
1 : VEhicule DEcarboné et COmmuniquant et sa Mobilité  (VeDeCom)
77 rue des Chantiers78000 Versailles -  France

In light of mounting concerns about the socio-environmental impact of
transportation, mobility users as a whole must change their travel behaviors to support the
ecological transition. However, categories of users with particular needs, such as those with
disabilities (defined as individuals with at least one severe limitation in a physical, sensory, or
cognitive function), face unique mobility challenges. This study aims to develop an evaluation
framework for mobility services, with the objective of identifying which services are most suitable
for the particular needs of people with disabilities. The first step in this study was to analyze the
PAM (Pour Aider à la Mobilité, in French) service, an on-demand mobility service specifically
intended for people with disabilities, operated by the Département of Seine-Saint-Denis, a local
authority in the Paris region. This was followed by a comparison of various mobility services with
PAM, with the aim of identifying the most suitable solutions for people with disabilities. This
approach involved three distinct elements: (1) multi-criteria analysis (MCA), (2) PAM data
analysis and (3) the creation of representative user personas. As an illustration, we evaluated nine
mobility services in relation to twelve criteria applied to people with psychiatric disabilities,
providing a ranking of the most suitable solutions. Consequently, we have developed a
methodological framework for evaluating mobility services tailored to the particular needs of
specific categories of users. Our findings are of use to local authorities when implementing ondemand
mobility services in conjunction with the existing transportation system and emerging
mobility services.

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